Paper Consumption
and Wilderness Loss

No Wilderness for Paper!

Campaign Agaist Rising
Paper Consumption in Germany
Left: Papierwende with Ingmar Lee, 2008
Eberswalde, near Berlin
Initiative 2000plus

"We Need A Paper Revolution!" Papierwende
(click for pdf in German)

Die Initiative 2000 plus ist eine Kooperation von 75 Umwelt – verbänden, Verbraucherorganisationen und Kommunen in 14 Bundesländern. Sie wurde 1999 in NRW gegründet.

Unter der Schirmherrschaft des Umweltbundesamtes und der Schirmherren in den beteiligten Bundesländern arbeitet die Initiative 2000 plus für eine Trendwende pro Recyclingpapier und die zukunftsfähige Nutzung von Papier in allen Bereichen. 

The European Initiative 2000 is a travelling photographic exhibition on the rising paper consumption in Germany that reaches out to schools and communites with the environmental battlecry "We Need A Paper Revolution!" The educational exhibit is on tour across Germany as part of a campaign organized by local environmental groups and is supported by the federal government.

Germany is the world's third largest consumer of paper and the campaign teaches people how to reduce their paper consumption and why they should use only 100 percent recycled "post consumer" paper. In conjunction the Papierwende exhibit in Göttingen, lectures were held on how the high German consumption of paper threatens indigenous peoples and their forests in countries such as Indonesia, Canada and Brasil.

Click on the images below to see the educational panels in German.

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