With the industrial extermination of the lucrative intact forests of Washington State, "Hoo Hoos" (a club for American lumbermen founded in Seattle in 1909) began buying up the lucrative ancient forests of Vancouver Island. By the 1950s the industrial plundering of BC's forests was consolidated in "Ruination Companies," namely transnational forest destruction corps. These powerful entities call the shots over stolen indigenous land and are eagerly aided served by their government handmaidens.

To keep their dirty business hidden from public critique and scrutiny, the devious ruination companies routinely "re brand" and change their names. Spew ing out Greenwash and stock market hype, they continue their wanton and devastating destruction of our vanishing rainforests and biodiversity on the West Coast.

Ainsworth Lumber — BC Forest Products — Canfor — Fibremax Timber — Fletcher Challenge
— Hayes Forest Service — International Forest Products (Interfor) — Island Timberlands —
MacMillan Bloedel — Pope & Talbot — Slocan Forest Products — Teal Jones — TimberWest
— West Fraser — Western Forest Products (WFP) — Weyerhaeuser — etc.

Interfor Massacre
Nuxalk & Heiltsuk Land

Stumping for Canfor
Premier of BC

TimberWest Vandalism
Pacheedaht Land

Tree Farm Degradation
Pacheedaht Land

Big Tree Kill Off
Nitinaht Land

Clearcutting Paradise
Vancouver Island

Stumping for Hayes
Premier of BC

Forest Land Sell Off
Fibremax Timber Corp

One does not have to go far in BC to see the results of the many decades of deforestation schemes by government and industry. Greenwash cannot hide the tragic loss of the ancient temperate rainforest due to commercial greed run rampant and shortsightedness.

After more than a decade of controversy, Ecologically Based Management (EBM) was supposed to have begun in the Great Bear Rainforest on 31 March 2009 when the BC government and industry grabbed headlines. But in the Bella Bella community everyone knows "There won't be any EBM for at least another year because it has to be filed in this year's logging plans" forest activist Ingmar Lee. Meanwhile, he says that the logging companies continue to clearcut as voraciously as ever, tearing apart ancient valley bottom riparian ecosystems to rip out the profitable big cedars.

Government Schemes

1947 – Tree Farm Licences (TFLs)
1950 – Timber Supply Areas (TSAs)
1992 – Forest Revitalisation Initiative
1996 – Forest Renewal BC
1998 – BC Assets and Land Corp
1999 – Tenure Reallocation
2002 – Forest Practices Code
2002 – Variable Retention
2002 – Special Management Zone (SMZ)

             Right: "Timber is a Crop"
             MacMillan Bloedel Tree Farm, 1947
             Franklin Division, Vancouver Island

2003 – BC Timber Sales (BCTS)
2003 – Forestry Innovation Investment (FII)
2004 – Forest & Range Practice Act
2004 – Working Forest
2005 – Private Forestlands Act
2006 – Ecologically Based Management (EBM)
2009 – Commercial Forests

Collaboration Schemes

BC Forest Information
BC Forest Products
Canadian Sustainable Forestry (CSF)
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
Canadian Wood Council
Canadian Wood Export Program
Coast Forest Conservation Initiative
Forum for Research and Extension in
             Natural Resources (FORREX)
Forest Stewartship Council (FSC)

             Right: "Forest Management"
             H. R. MacMillan Export, 1950
             Nanaimo River, Vancouver Island

Forestry Innovation Investment
Forintek Canada
Great Bear Rainforest
Natural Resource Canada
Pacific Forest Centre
Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)
Wood Promotion Network

SMZ Clearcut
Vancouver Island

SFI Clearcut
Vancouver Island

Pulp Mill Poisoning
Vancouver Island

Weyerhaeuser Warfare
Vancouver Island

Errington Cedar Mill
Vancouver Island

Rainforest Clearcutting
Vancouver Island


Raw Logs Export
Vancouver Island

Crooked cronies are prevalent in colonial societies. They are unscrupulous figures in government and industry who use their leadership positions for personal gain, exchanging favours in making quasi legal fortunes from land grabs and resource extraction. Their eradication of the natural resources including ancient trees and primaeval forests is to the detriment of First Nations and, ultimately, of all inhabitants of British Columbia.

At the top of the long list of colonial oppressors is Joseph Trutch, a racist and a crook who committed untold damage to First Nations by stealing over 90 percent of the land deeded them by the first governor of the colony of Vancouver Island. Indigenous land owners in BC have never been recognized by the honchos of industry who have plotted with their government cronies, greasing all hands but those of most Natives.

English Colony Grabber
Joseph Trutch

Scottish Coal Digger
Robert Dunsmuir

German Lumber Leech
Frederick Weyerhaeuser

Canadian Wood Worm
Harvey MacMillan

Eco Judas
Patrick Moore

Ms Collaboration
Linda Coady

BC's Drunken Driver
Gordon Campbell

Perfidious 'Ally' of Indians
Mike de Young

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