
Cathedral Grove
British Columbia

The Protest

Why Europeans

An International

Big Trees:
Pictures & Politics

Big Trees &
Totem Poles

Totem Pole

European Tree

Related Stories

Digital Media


Credits & Contact



Credits & Contact


Writer and producer: © Karen Wonders
Images: © Credited
Primary source images: © Karen Wonders
Design: © Stephan Roehl
Technical expertice: Philipp Kuechler

Copyright: © 2013 Karen Wonders
All Rights Reserved. Researched and
produced by Karen Wonders. Images and
intellectual property are copyright their
respective owners. Commercial use and
reproduction requires written permission.
Non commerical use must be credited.

Webserver: www.udmedia.de

Dr. Karen Wonders
Research Fellow
Institute for the History of Science
University of Goettingen
Papendiek 16
D – 37073 Goettingen, Germany

kwonder [at] gwdg.de
kwonder [at] cathedralgrove.eu

Website partners:

Right: big tree in Cathedral Grove




Support action to bring to an end the barbaric
commercial destruction of the ancient forests
& trees of Vancouver Island, British Columbia:
Wilderness Committee

Ancient Forests Alliance


Website Testimonials

"I came across your website on Cathedral Grove and I'd like to commend you. Good job! I worked as a 'faller' on the west coast from 1978 until just a few years ago. Your portrayal of what's happened and is continuing to happen in the coast forest is very accurate. Possibly, it's even worse. Timber that the 'Crown' puts up for heli logging is basically given at such a low rate that it's almost free. The companies leave the bulk of the wood right where it lays and only harvest the 'cream." I'm not sure what can be done. Corporations are running the government. The only option seems to be the creation of a new paradigm that leaves out 'rule by corporate law'" W. Nashby, 24 April 2009.


Big tree destroyed, Walbran Ancient Forest
Vancouver Island (Photo: Wilderness Committee)


Big tree destroyed, Walbran Ancient Forest
Vancouver Island (Photo: Wilderness Committee)


"This is a fabulous piece of activism, both the boycott and the website. I will recommend it to all I know. Thank you" Anne Sherrod, Chairperson, Valhalla Wilderness Society, New Denver, BC, 21 April 2009.

"As a displaced Pacific Northwesterner, educated in northern California, I found your website a great deal of fun to read. A couple of years ago I had the privilege of seeing the British Columbia grove the site is named for, and as a child I remember visiting some old growth trees of immense dimensions, ones now in landfills after conversion to newsprint and toilet paper. Sadly some of my ancestors and relatives were responsible for toppling huge trees in the groves that once were found from California north into British Columbia. Only a sad and scatterd handful remain south of the Canadian border, and British Columbia is madly cutting down those remaining in the province's coastal rain forest" E. O. Pederson, PhD, Fairfax, Virginia USA, 2 July 2009.


"Your website is great, very informative. I'm impressed. . . I just had a look at your section on big trees. Very interesting. Thanks for doing such great work for all of us. Old trees and old growth forests are subjects very close to my heart" Adrian Dorst, Photographer, Tofino, 29 November 2008.

I have just looked again at your Cathedral Grove web site, for the first time in many months, and am impressed by the major expansion of material, clarity of design, usefulness of links, and overall quality of the web site. You have provided a model example of how a web site can be developed for use by a wide range of viewers, from the public to students, teachers, and scholars" Charles S. Rhyne, Research Professor, Art History, Reed College, Portland, Oregon USA, 18 September 2008.

WOW. Very impressive website, and thank you for the mention! Janine Blaeloch, Director, Western Lands Project, Seattle, Washington USA, 28 July 2008.


Big tree destroyed, East Creek
Vancouver Island (Photo: Wilderness Committee)


Old growth log dump, Clayoquot Sound, 2009
Vancouver Island (Photo: Susanne Hare)


"Googling for references to my work, I came across your website. My compliments, it's a very useful resource for exploring the larger context of the forestry debate, as well as a passsionate plea for not accepting the status quo. The last time I was in BC was about four years ago, I was sad, but not surprised, to read it is still business as usual over there" Dr. Aldo de Moore, Information Management, Community Sense, Tilburg, the Netherlands, 4 July 2008.

"Information & communication are key right now, campaigns against deforestation globally really need support everywhere, don't know where the oxygen is going to come from at this rate. . . . Your website is great and thanks for all you do" For All Our Relations, Susanne Hare, Tofino, Clayoquot Sound, BC, First Nations Environmental Network, 24 February 2009.


Some of the Environmental and Community Activists Working to Save BC's Big Trees


Richard Boyce

Annette Tanner

Phil Carson

Ingmar Lee

Paul George

"Big Trees" by Paul George

Adriane Carr

Joe Foy

Scott Tanner

Carmanagh Austin-Carson

Zoe Blunt

Betty Shiver Krawzyck

Berni Pearce

Maureen Sager

Ken Wu

TJ Watt